How Brick Me Works

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  • Upload

    Once you hit the Get started button, you'll be able to upload any image from your device that you want to convert into a Brick Pic (or choose one of ours)

  • Create

    After your pic has uploaded into othe Brick Me Creator, you'll be able to customize everything from the size, resolution, colors, and more!

  • Order

    Once you have finished customizing your Brick Pic, you get to preview it and make any last minute changes before placing your order.

See how Brick Me works in 60 seconds!

Check out more great How-tos, useful guides and other fun stuff in our Videos page

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When your Brick Me kit arrives

We've made sure building your brick pic is fun & easy!

  • Your kit will be shipped to you, with your baseplates and bricks packaged neatly for you to unbox.

    (Watch our unboxing video)
  • Place your board over the "color‑by‑numbers" printout included in your kit, then start building your mosaic brick‑by‑brick!

  • When you're done building, you can put it in a frame, hang it on a wall, or give it as a gift. Our Brick Pics look good anywhere!

Unbox & Build with Brick Me

Watch us unbox, build and hang a 'Brick Me' work of art.

Check out some of our customers' Brick Me creations and get inspired.

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